Beyond the kegel; treatment for pelvic floor dysfuction.
Leia Swanberg our CEO shares the joy, pain, and profound understanding that motherhood, pregnancy, and surrogacies are all sacred.
Managing sleeplessness and reclaiming a good night’s sleep.
Join Kelly Rogers from Happy Rock Holistic as she guides you through a meditation for the beginning of your surrogacy journey.
In April 2022, Sacred Surrogacy hosted a summit for surrogates across Canada. It was a day spent connecting, practicing mindfulness, and learning valuable tools for before, during and after a surrogacy journey.
Our 2020 Sacred Surrogacy Retreat going virtual this year wasn’t quite what we had hoped for but ended up being...
Q&A with Leia Swanberg, CEO and Founder of Sacred Surrogacy and Canadian Fertility Consulting
This is the surrogate mothers' club: women that volunteer to give birth to a stranger's child and receive only expenses in exchange.
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